CSSI Community Blog

ARSP 13 Now Available!

We are delighted to announce that the long awaited Annual Review of Social Partnerships (ARSP) no. 13 is now available for download at https://www.crcpress.com/rsc/downloads/ARSP_13.pdf.


-->Check out a list of the latest publications on cross-sector partnerships (CSPs), a toolbox full of pedagogical ideas, new developments in CSP research, insights from community members, and reflect with Prof. Pieter Glasbergen on CSPs as governance mechanisms.
PS ARSP issues 7-13 are available under https://www.routledge.com/posts/12925.
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ARSP: Two Good News

(1) The ARSP 13 will be released soon!

(2) Our 2019 agenda is full with new initiatives and community ideas. Join us on this path and "Engage-in-ARSP-2019" (roadmap below):

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Design Challenge: Developing Students' Cross-Sector Competencies

The Pedagogy Team of the ARSP organizes a Professional Development Workshop (PDW) at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2016. If you plan to go to the conference, please join our PDW!

August 6 2016
Time: 3:45PM to 5:15PM
Where: Grand Ballroom Salon H at the Anaheim Marriott
Organizer: The ARSP Pedagogy Team
Session #: 420 (PNP/SIM)

Overview: This interactive PDW aims to create a space for us as a community to explore the competencies needed for successful cross-sector social interactions (CSSI) to address complex societal issues. In this dynamic workshop, participants will develop exercises and draft lesson plans for developing such competencies in our classrooms. Specifically, after a brief discussion of the required CSSI skill sets, participants will work in small groups as they are guided through a design-thinking process to develop exercises and lesson plans. These plans will outline suggestions for material and innovative activities for helping students develop CSSI competencies, in particular those related to system-thinking, entrepreneurial, interpersonal, and communication skills. Based on the material collected from the workshop, the facilitators will develop teaching innovations for each competency theme and send them to the workshop participants. The participants, in turn, are encouraged to pilot these innovations or their favorite elements and report back to the workshop facilitators.

What you get:
A minimum of four complete teaching innovations that are peer reviewed and ready made for your classroom.

What to expect:
Stage 1: You will briefly learn about an open access CSSI teaching toolbox developed by the ARSP Pedagogy Team.
Stage 2: You will have the opportunity to create your own teaching innovations with other participants. Specifically, with the help of table facilitators, you and your table neighbors will work through a design thinking process to develop innovative exercises or lesson plans.
Stage 3: Once your table has created a prototype teaching innovation, you will test it with another table and then refine your idea.
Stage 4: We’ll gather all teaching innovations material and share them with you via email.

Have a look at samples of our work here.

Join our PDW at the AOM 2016!
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Lifetime Achievement Award in Collaboration Research to Professor Barbara Gray

From left to right, Rob van Tulder, Barbara Gray, Jim Austin, and Sandra Waddock.

During the 5th CSSI Symposium, organised by the Schulich School of Business at York University and the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development at the University of Waterloo, on Cross-Sector Partnerships for Systemic Change in Toronto, the Lifetime Achievement (LTA) Award in Collaboration Research was awarded to Professor Barbara Gray of Penn State University. Professor Gray received the award because of her immense contribution to the study on partnerships.

The LTA award in Collaboration Research is awarded every two years to scholars who are able to transform the field by offering their insights and connecting research and practice during the bi-annual International Symposium in Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI). Previous winners include Professor Jim Austin (CSSI 2012 at Erasmus University organized by PrC) and Professor Sandra Waddock  (CSSI 2014 at Suffolk University organized by Sawyer Business School).
Professor Gray was surprised and delighted to receive the award: ‘It is such a pleasure to know that my work was so well received by the CSSI community.  As I expressed in my keynote address, it was a bit lonely pioneering research on collaboration in the early 1980s.  Knowing that those early efforts have now paid off in so many wonderful ways is extremely gratifying’. 

The award is accompanied by a statue symbolizing collaboration, developed specifically for the LTA Award.  In addition, the award holder is given the opportunity to select a charity of his or her choice for the 1000 euros prize attached to the award to be donated with the aim of making a difference to a social issue. Hence, the LTA award in Collaboration Research not only honors pioneer researchers encouraging rigorous research in the field, hence raising the profile of collaboration research around the world and encouraging collaboration across academia and practice, but it is also an opportunity to make a difference in practice through the charitable donation by tracking the outcomes and impact of the award in two years’ time.

Professor Gray has chosen “Zennies for Girl Power--Beyond Borders Haiti”.  Girl Power Haiti works to eliminate human slavery among and improve the well-being of young women in Haiti.  Zennies for Girl Power is a Zen organization (based in Pittsburgh, PA) that collects money for Girl Power Haiti.
‘Zennies for Girl Power Haiti speaks to many issues about which I care deeply’, says Professor Gray. ‘First of all, empowering women has been a longstanding goal of mine since I began my career.  Second, I learned about this organization through my connections as a Soto Zen Buddhist lay teacher.  I actually know one of the key players who works with the young women in Haiti whom the organization serves.  She is a Buddhist nun who has devoted her practice to helping bring dignity to girls and women trapped in human trafficking. Finally, I care deeply about finding ways to level the playing field for disadvantaged people around the world. When I heard about the Zennies who were raising money for Girl Power Haiti, I knew right away that this was the perfect recipient for the award funds’. 

The LTA award is sponsored by the Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) of Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands. ‘The CSSI community is extremely important to us’, says academic director Rob van Tulder. ‘It connects us with the world of knowledge that is developed by other researchers in the field, and allows us to collaborate with them and jointly explore the fascinating world of partnerships for sustainable development. We are happy to play an active part in this community’.  

The next CSSI conference will be in 2018 in Copenhagen organized by Copenhagen Business School where Professor Gray will report on the outcomes and impact of the LTA Award in Collaboration Research.
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CSSI2016: Doctoral Consortium, Toronto

CSSI2016: an amazing Doctoral Consortium with 25 outstanding PhD students from all over the world! Thank you to the two leading Professors Oana Branzei and Jonathan Doh for all their hard work organising it!

Professor Oana Branzei, Western University
Professor Jonathan Doh, Villanova University

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CSSI2016: Award Dinner

CSSI2016: Award dinner. Honouring our own scholars! Winner of the LifeTime Achievement Award 2016: the amazing Professor Barbara Gray! With previous LTA Award winners Professors Jim Austin, Sandra Waddockand the Director of the PrC sponsor of the LTA award Prof. Rob van Tulder together with the organisers of the best CSSI symposium ever: Andy Craneand Amelia Clarke! Thank you to Andy and Amelia for a wonderful experience to the CSSI Community! 
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Interview about the CSSI Community@SIM Newsletter

Interview about the CSSI Community in the March Newsletter of the Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management

Dr. Verena Bitzer, ARSP Editor & Member of the ARSP Senior Editorialial Team
Dr. Lea Stadtler, ARSP Pedagogy Editor & Member of the ARSP Senior Editorial Team

Source: Findler, F. (2016). "The Interview with Lea Stadtler and Verena Bitzer about the Cross-Sector Social Interactions (CSSI) Community" The SIMian, (The Academy of Management Social Issues in Management Division Newsletter) March, 2016. pp.11~12.
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